A poem expressing a soldier's emotions is worth reading:

A true hero,saviour of nation,Real superhero,a pillar of valour and pride.

Miles away from family,no assurance of tomorrow,carrying millions of hope yet standing tall.No word can describe what a soldier undergoes,no pill can engulf the pain he endures,no medal can bestow the sacrifices he made.

Yeah,I'm a soldier
But not a son,a brother,a husband nor a father
 I only deserve to die,
 but what i don't deserve is a life.

Yeah,I chose to serve my country 
 so you all could see,only the victory,
 my eyes crave for sleep
 but I never get a moment to blink
 my nights pass without the stars,
 The sky must be fulfilled with the wounds of war

I'm a soldier
my mother prays for me every night 
so her son would stay alright 
my father unleashes tears silently 
he fears to lose the shoulders to carry his body.

I'm a soldier
my wife waits for the first kiss to complete 
she walks alone the empty streets,
my child spends the days in crying
he misses his father to play with him.

I'm a soldier 
I might not see the next dawn but will fight until my boots fall
my breaths may be finite but the glory is infinite 
when I'll be buried,don't be mourn be in ecstasy 
'Cause I'm soldier,war is my destiny.

A poem acknowledging and encouraging the efforts of our brothers who are deployed at frontier protecting us,the infinite lives they sacrificed.  
