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A poem expressing a soldier's emotions is worth reading: A true hero,saviour of nation,Real superhero,a pillar of valour and pride. Miles away from family,no assurance of tomorrow,carrying millions of hope yet standing tall.No word can describe what a soldier undergoes,no pill can engulf the pain he endures,no medal can bestow the sacrifices he made. Yeah,I'm a soldier But not a son,a brother,a husband  nor a father  I only deserve to die,  but what i don't deserve is a life. Yeah,I chose to serve my country   so you all could see,only the victory,  my eyes crave for sleep  but I never get a moment to blink  my nights pass without the stars,  The sky must be fulfilled with the wounds of war I'm a soldier my mother prays for me every night  so her son would stay alright  my father unleashes tears silently  he fears to lose the shoulders to carry his body. I'm a soldier my wife waits for the first k

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